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Welcome to The Inkwell, the blog site of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) of Colorado.

Each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you can find a wide variety of topics and insight
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Circle of Life

8:30 AM - Wake up.

8:45 AM - Drink coffee.

9:00 AM - Make beds, empty dishwasher, etc.

9:15 AM - Wake Danielle for work.

9:30 AM - Wake Danielle again.

9:45 AM - Yell at Danielle that if she doesn't get up now, she's going to be late for work.

10:00 AM - Remind Danielle that we have to leave in fifteen minutes.

10:15 AM - Scramble out to the car and take Danielle to work.

10:45 AM - Return home. Pour leftover, luke warm coffee into cup and zap in microwave. Take a sip. Toss coffee.

10:48 AM - Pour self a glass of iced tea.

10:50 AM - Go into office. Turn on computer. Stare at computer.

11:00 AM - Decide to check email since inspiration is nadda.

11:05 AM - Reply to email.

11:10 AM - Close email program.

11:15 AM - Stare at computer. Stare at clock and sigh. It's only 11:15 AM.

This is my circle of life, aka "time management." Yesterday my circle was interrupted with a delightful trip to Colorado Springs for a write-out. Mind you I didn't get there until 2 PM because, yes, I had to take Danielle to work. Nonetheless, I got there.

Once in the Springs I thought how wonderful it would be to finally sit down and write. My muse was the amazing Broadmoor Resort, and as my fingers tingled with excitement my mind relished on what symphony of words the LORD would string together for me.

My laptop is as old as they get, so it took about 30 minutes for it to boot up. Unfortunately, once it did I got about three notifications from various essential programs saying they needed updates. Updates that would take as long as my car ride back to Denver. However, I was determined to let nothing get in the way of my writing--nothing, that is, except the sudden realization I'd forgotten my flash drive. You know, the one with my WIP on it (no, not that kind of "whip," although sometimes I think that kind of w-h-i-p might be the best way to get me motivated). My Work In Progress WIP.

Now what?

Time was running out. I had one hour left to type on a laptop that refused to open Microsoft Word unless I installed the appropriate updates, a flash drive that was over 80 miles away, and a muse that was slowing turning from a glamourous, century-old resort to a dark, creepy hotel from The Shining. Should I forget the updates and close shop? Should I let my computer have the last laugh and walk away? Or should I stand firm and fight?

Before you give me a lot of grief for throwing in the towel and choosing to close up shop and let the laptop win (yes, dear readers, I chose to forgo option #3), understand that, in this particular case, closing my latop and hanging with my besties at the Broadmoor was the optimal time managment choice. Why? Because I knew they would give back to me the hope that was slowly being drained from my day.

Time management is a wonderful tool. And used properly it can produce many wonderful things. But remember, it's just a tool. And like every other tool out there it can be helpful...or harmful. Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves as writers (or mothers or wives or friends), is to lay the tool down and let the soothing balm of spending time with the LORD and those we care about repair the frazzled ends of our day.

* * * * * *
4:30 PM - Time to wrap up blog and start thinking about making dinner. Maybe later I'll find that muse. Or maybe I won't. Maybe I'll hang with friends and family. Or maybe not. As for my circle of life? No worries. Tomorrow I have no doubt it will still be there, patiently waiting for me to return to 8:30 AM.

1 comment:

Jan Parrish said...

I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one who just hung out and chatted. Oh, I also took pictures. :0

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